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Coaldale Christian School exists to support Reformed Christian parents to fulfill their God-given mandate to educate and train their covenant children to become active disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Coaldale Christian School will provide educational excellence through dynamic, Christ-centered programming to prepare covenant children for a life of Kingdom service.


The principal and staff in conjunction with the Board and Education Committee see the school as a Christian community, operating on the basis of Christian love and obedience to God and the authorities He placed over us. A spirit of cooperation and consideration for others is our mandate.  We trust that students will conduct themselves in such a spirit, and will cultivate a pride in their school.  If this is done, the observation of the regulations will not be a restriction on anyone's activities.

The basis of the Coaldale Canadian Reformed School Society is the infallible Word of God, as confessed in the Three Forms of Unity: The Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort.

The Society is committed to the following educational principles: 

  1. The instruction and education of the children in the school, as well as in the home, must be in accordance with the Word of God.
  2. Although the church and the state have their own peculiar interests in the school, the school is not an institution dependent on or belonging to the church or the state, but depends on and proceeds from the home.
  3. Throughout the entire course of the child's education, the fundamental unity of the school and the home must be maintained.
  4. The child's training must be of a high standard, properly relating the Word of God to all areas of learning and life.
  5. Instruction is given according to the Alberta Program of Studies, modified to fit the philosophy and purpose of the school and the needs of the students.

Our teachers are involved in a challenging task - instructing, leading, directing, nurturing, and guiding God's children so that they may be equipped to face their responsibilities, now and in their later life.

We could list many objectives - we know that without God's Word and Spirit to guide us we could not even begin our work.  Yet we also know that if we ask for wisdom and guidance we will receive what is needed to carry out our task (James l).

Some general objectives include the following: 

  1. to reveal and declare to the children their God and Father who desires to be known by them so that they may rightly confess Him and serve Him in their given office.
  2. to assist the students in their growing understanding of the created world to carry out God's cultural mandate in it.
  3. to direct the students to realize their God-given place in this world and to live in obedience to God's covenant law.
  4. to assist the students in developing their skills, knowledge, and talents, so that they may be equipped to live a full Christian life as maturing, responsible children of God.
  5. to provide an educational environment which is in conformity with these objectives.

These objectives as well as our goals and performance measures are reported on yearly via the Annual Operational Plan, the Three Year Education Plan and the Annual Education Results Report. These reports are submitted to Alberta Education yearly and are available to all members via the school office.

We may approach this task with joyful confidence, for we know that our labours will not be in vain if we simply follow the way of the Lord.  We will sometimes be frustrated or disappointed; forces of evil may even lead us astray.  We should, therefore, communicate often and freely with one another as staff, with the students, with the parents, and with the Board, always being directed by the power of God's Word.